Monday, February 27, 2023

Clean your silver at home tricks/hacks

 Clean your silver at home tricks/hacks

I have used these and love them...

1 Water and Corn flour 

With time If your silver has lost its shine this recipe will help you restore it. Prepare a thick paste of water corn flour and apply it onto the silver item. Let the mixture dry completely and rub it off with a towel to polish the surface and restore the shine of your jewelry and silverware. If you are out of corn flour you can substitute it with cream of tartar.


It is weird, but ketchup works great if you need to remove tarnish from silver. This method is good handy if you have only 1-2 silver items to clean. Squeeze a few drops of ketchup on a paper towel and gently rub the tarnished silverware or jewelry. If there is old, tarnish built up apply ketchup directly onto these areas and leave it for 15 minutes. After that rub with microfiber cloth and rinse with water. Some items like fancy candlesticks or silverware have more details. Use a soft toothbrush to reach between crevices and clean the tarnish.

3. Aluminum Foil + Baking Soda

This is one of the best recipes in our silver cleaning arsenal. The aluminum-soda bath is very useful when you need to clean more than one thing or bigger items – such as silver cutlery, candlesticks, or tableware. Cover the bottom of a large baking pan with aluminum foil, with the shiny side up. Use ceramic, or glass bakeware never metal one, to avoid unwanted chemical reactions. Fill with water and add baking soda. You need 1,5 tablespoons of soda for every gallon of water. Bring to boil and put the tarnished silver inside for 15 seconds. Take out the silver using kitchen tongs. Leave the silverware on paper towel to cool down. All tarnish is gone. For built up, stubborn tarnish you may have to repeat the procedure. Never use this recipe for jewelry with encrusted gemstones.

4. Aluminum Foil + Laundry detergent

This cleaning trick is appropriate for slightly tarnished silverware or silver jewelry. Line a bowl with aluminum foil and fill with hot water. Add a tablespoon of liquid laundry detergent and stir well. Drop your silver items inside and let them soak for a minute. Take the silver out with kitchen tongs, rinse with lukewarm water and lay on a paper towel to let the items dry.

5. Toothpaste

This is a classic, easy DIY silver cleaning recipe. Use non-gel and non-abrasive toothpaste. Squeeze a small amount of it on a soft cloth or paper handkerchief. Rub onto the jewelry or silverware with circular motions to polish it and clean off the tarnish. Leave it for 5 minutes and then rinse off the toothpaste with water. After this procedure the silver is clean and shiny as new.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Happy Valentine day Message for all

BEST Valentine's Day  Messages

BEST Valentine's Day Messages for Girlfriends

  • "Love is friendship that has caught on fire." —Ann Landers
  • I love you, and I love us.
  • You take my breath away. Always.
  • You're the Pam to my Jim.
  • Every love song is about you. Happy Valentine's Day!
  • Happy Valentine's Day to the most important woman in my life.
  • I never liked Valentine's Day, and then I met you and I understood what it was all about.

BEST Valentine's Day Messages for Wives

  • You're the reason I am who I am today. Thank you for everything you do for our family. Happy Valentine's Day, my love!
  • You are my best friend, my partner, and my soulmate. I love you.
  • Thanks for being you and for being mine.
  • What would I do without you by my side? Happy Valentine's Day to the love of my life.
  • To the most amazing woman who I am lucky enough to call my wife, Happy Valentine's Day.
  • Every day I wake up next to you feels like Valentine's Day.

    BEST Valentine's Day Messages for Friends

  • Here’s to a Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food and especially good friends like you.
  • Thank you for standing by my side through thick and thin, my forever friend.
  • I can't think of anyone to whom I'd rather be toasting on Valentine's Day than a friend like you. I love you; Happy Valentine's Day!
  • Wishing you a beautiful day filled with all the love and happiness you deserve.
  • To my best friend this Valentine's Day, I couldn't ask for someone who loves and supports me more than you do.

BEST Valentine's Day Messages for Boyfriends

  • "In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking about you." 
  • Are you a banana? Because I find you a-peel-ing.
  • Happy Valentine's Day, handsome.
  • You're the only person I send heart eye emojis to.
  • Valentine, you take my breath away, every single day.
  • It’s just one day in the year, but you should know that I love you every day and every moment. Take my love on this beautiful occasion!

How to understand which option to use for Hydro in Canada (use tool Ontario Energy Board’s bill calculator)

  Hydro Ottawa’s rate plan comparison tool is available for   MyAccount   customers and automatically uses your consumption data to show you...