Friday, January 29, 2021

Check your Personality free with a simple printable test (5 minutes)

New, Free and Printable Personality Sample Questions

This is my new article on Free and Printable Personality Sample Questions. In this article you will see some Personality Questions with answers.


What is Personality?

This is a personality test, it will help you understand why you act the way that you do and how your personality is structured. Please follow the instructions below, scoring and results are on below.


Importance of Personality Testing

A personality test can provide us with a way to categorized different characteristics or traits that we might otherwise not be aware of.

Additionally, this categorization will help us learn how others might react to something in their environment.

These tests can be used for self-reflection and understanding, for job placement, and for learning how to better interact with others in a team or work group.

How to do?

Please print the sheet and try this test

In the table below, for each statement 1-50 mark how much you agree with on the scale 1-5, where


2=slightly disagree,


4=slightly agree and

5=agree, in the box to the left of it.

Practice Test

Check your Personality free with a simple printable test
Rating I.... Rating I.....

1. Am the life of the party?

2. Feel little concern for others.

3. Am always prepared.

4. Get stressed out easily.

5. Have a rich vocabulary.

6. Don't talk a lot.

7. Am interested in people.

8. Leave my belongings around.

9. Am relaxed most of the time.

10. Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.

11. Feel comfortable around people.

Check your Personality free with a simple printable test
12. Insult people.

13. Pay attention to details.

14. Worry about things.

15. Have a vivid imagination.

16. Keep in the background.

17. Sympathize with others' feelings.

18. Make a mess of things.

19. Seldom feel blue.

20. Am not interested in abstract ideas.

21. Start conversations.

22. Am not interested in other people's problems.

23. Get chores done right away.

24. Am easily disturbed.

25. Have excellent ideas.

26. Have little to say.

27. Have a soft heart.

28. Often forget to put things back in their proper place.

29. Get upset easily.

30. Do not have a good imagination.

31. Talk to a lot of different people at parties.

32. Am not really interested in others.

33. like order.

34. Change my mood a lot.

35. Am quick to understand things.

36. Don't like to draw attention to myself.

37. Take time out for others.

38. Shirk my duties.

39. Have frequent mood swings.

40. Use difficult words.

41. Don't mind being the center of attention.

42. Feel others' emotions.

43. Follow a schedule.

44. Get irritated easily.

45. Spend time reflecting on things.

46. Am quiet around strangers.

47. Make people feel at ease.

48. Am exacting in my work.

49. Often feel blue.

50. Am full of ideas.

Check your Personality free with a simple printable test

In above table for each statement 1-50 mark how much you agree with on the scale 1-5, where

1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=neutral, 4=slightly agree and 5=agree, in the box to the left of it.

Easy Calculation to learn what is your personality

E = 20 + (1) ___ - (6) ___ + (11) ___ - (16) ___ + (21) ___ - (26) ___ + (31) ___ - (36) ___ + (41) ___ - (46) ___ = _____

A = 14 - (2) ___ + (7) ___ - (12) ___ + (17) ___ - (22) ___ + (27) ___ - (32) ___ + (37) ___ + (42) ___ + (47) ___ = _____

C = 14 + (3) ___ - (8) ___ + (13) ___ - (18) ___ + (23) ___ - (28) ___ + (33) ___ - (38) ___ + (43) ___ + (48) ___ = _____

N = 38 - (4) ___ + (9) ___ - (14) ___ + (19) ___ - (24) ___ - (29) ___ - (34) ___ - (39) ___ - (44) ___ - (49) ___ = _____

O = 8 + (5) ___ - (10) ___ + (15) ___ - (20) ___ + (25) ___ - (30) ___ + (35) ___ + (40) ___ + (45) ___ + (50) ___ = _____


The scores you calculate should be between zero and forty. Below is a description of each trait.

Extroversion (E) is the personality trait of seeking fulfillment from sources outside the self or in community. High scorers tend to be very social while low scorers prefer to work on their projects alone.

Agreeableness (A) reflects many individuals adjust their behavior to suit others. High scorers are typically polite and like people. Low scorers tend to 'tell it like it is'.

Conscientiousness (C) is the personality trait of being honest and hardworking. High scorers tend to follow rules and prefer clean homes. Low scorers may be messy and cheat others.

Neuroticism (N) is the personality trait of being emotional.

Openness to Experience (O) is the personality trait of seeking new experience and intellectual pursuits. High scores may day dream a lot. Low scorers may be very down to earth.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Free and Easy to use tips to boost Metabolism and lose weight quickly (2021)

Boost Metabolism and lose weight quickly

 Your total metabolic rate is not fixed. In fact, there is a certain part of it that is flexible and when given the proper foods, hydration, exercise and supplements can rev up and help you slim down naturally

Image result for funny weight loss

If you think back to your own personal health history, I am confident you can pinpoint a time in your life when the weight just started to “creep” up on you.  Whether it was an emotional or stressful trigger that started the number on the scale to climb or the hectic pace of life which caused health to take a back burner position – one day you wake up and realize just do not feel like the vibrant, fit person you were meant to be. The good news is, the body has an amazing forgiving and restorative nature – given the proper foods, nutrients and conditions, it responds positively in a very short time. The question that researchers and doctors have been investigating for years is whether metabolism can be altered through various lifestyle and dietary changes. If you have difficulty losing weight, it is thought that you are one of the unlucky ones that have a “slow” metabolism dooming you to a future of continued weight gain and weight loss struggles. If you have a “fast” metabolism, you may be among one of those lucky few who can eat anything and everything they wish never gaining a pound.

With great strength, science demonstrates that metabolism can indeed be increased with a variety of natural steps. The key is to strike a fine balance between caloric intake, proper food choices and exercise.

Image result for funny weight loss

1 Protein , protein and Protein

The hormone glucagon is released in response to dietary protein, such as egg whites, low-fat cheese, lean meats, chicken, fish and protein powder. Glucagon signals fat cells to release fat into the blood, thereby promoting its use. In other words, more fat is burned and more weight is lost when you eat more protein

2. Breakfast is best to break fast

 Picture your metabolic rate shaped as an ice cream cone. In other words, starting at the top – it is at its highest in the morning and starts to decline on a gradual level as the day progresses. Unfortunately, most of us have a backwards approach to eating when it comes to weight loss and meals. We skip breakfast for a variety of reasons such as lack of hunger, a busy schedule or to save on calories.  While this may seem to make sense from a pure “calories in, calories out” theory, research has demonstrated time and time again that this approach will result in weight gain. Whether it is a protein shake, a yogurt and granola parfait or slow-cooking oatmeal – you need something to start your day off right.

3. Big NO to refined grains

 Products made from refined grains, such as many breads, pastas, cookies and cakes, cause most people to over secrete the hormone insulin. Insulin has the opposite effect of glucagon. Of its many functions, insulin is secreted from the pancreas to facilitate the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells.

Glucose (a.k.a. blood sugar) is derived from carbohydrates and is the main source of fuel for the body. When too many of the wrong types of carbohydrates are consumed, such as refined white sugar and/or white flour, excess insulin is secreted to deal with the sugar. In short, excess insulin = excess fat.


4. Eat LOW glycemic index carbohydrates

 Examples are like - fruits, vegetables, whole grains (breads and pastas) and beans. Do not be scared of eating bread! Research demonstrates very clearly that whole grains are beneficial for weight loss and the prevention of type II diabetes, colon cancer and constipation.


5. Go for green! Instead of coffee, opt for some green tea


 Green tea has many health benefits, from helping to fight diseases such as cancer and heart disease, to aiding in weight loss. Studies show that catechins, the antioxidants in green tea, help increase fat burning. Research also shows that green tea may lower blood sugars by inhibiting enzymes that allow the absorption of starches, and it may reduce the absorption of fat from the intestine. Typical dosage is three or four cups per day or a 300 to 400 mg capsule of green tea extract daily.


Save money when you treat your cough/cold with home remedies in 2021

Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough. 

Me and my family always use these home remedies when we have a cough any season.

They are very simple and Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough.

Home remedies and natural medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, and no chemicals, inexpensive. Winter is very common time for cough and cold problems.

Why we all get cough?

Coughing is the body's way of removing foreign material or mucus from the lungs and upper airway passages.

Save money when you treat your cough/cold with home remedies


Coughing is reaction to an irritated airway


Coughing is a reflex action started by stimulation of sensory nerves in the lining of the respiratory passages - the tubes we use to breathe.

When a person coughs, there is a short intake of breath and the larynx (the voice box) closes momentarily. The abdominal and chest muscles used for breathing contract, which in turn increases the pressure needed to drive air out the lungs when the larynx re-opens.

Coughs have distinctive traits you can learn to recognize. A cough is only a symptom, not a disease, and often the importance of your cough can be determined only when other symptoms are evaluated.

What are causes of Cough?

Coughing usually means there is something in the respiratory passages that should not be there. This can be caused by breathing in dust particles in the air or when a piece of food goes down the wrong way.

It could also be a sign that an infection in the lungs is making the respiratory passages produce phlegm.

Coughing can be provoked by:

The common cold

This is a frequent cause of acute cough that usually settles in less than three weeks.

Bacterial or viral infections

These infections in the lungs, e.g. acute bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, croup in children

Sucking material

When sucking material into the breathing tubes from your mouth.

Severe illnesses

This can be due to pneumonia, acute heart failure or pulmonary embolism (a clot in the blood vessels of the lung).


This often causes chronic cough (smoker's lung).


This can happened in children who may only cough and show no wheezing

Stomach acid

This can back up the gullet and spilling over into the windpipe (gastro-oesophageal reflux).


Some of them used in heart disease called ACE inhibitors.

Psychological illness

Rarely coughing can be provoked by psychological illness

Nerve damage

This can happen to damage to the nerves that supply the vocal chords (known as vocal chordpalsy) and chronic cough can occur.

Here are try and tested simple home remedies for cough. Please try and let me know if they work.

1. Turmeric powder drink

I like this one and because this is very easy to use. To make this Mix 1-2 tsp. of pure home made turmeric powder in warm milk and drink it twice a day for coughs of a bacterial origin. Within 2 days your cough will be gone by using this method.

Save money when you treat your cough/cold with home remedies

2. Honey and white pepper Tea

Take one tea spoon of pure honey and to it add a pinch of grounded white pepper. Regular usage of this 2-3 times a day for about 4-5 days will cure your cough. This is one of the important home remedies for cough. Honey when taken with white pepper will loosen the mucous and make you spit the mucus. This will be helpful in throwing the irritating substances of the trachea and help you in treating cough.

3. Red Raspberry drink

Drinking red raspberry, honeysuckle, or liquor ice tea with honey is helpful in treating cough in 2-3 days.

4. Honey plus orange juice

Take 2 tablespoons of honey and mix it in one cup of orange juice and drink it.

5. Homemade syrup

Prepare a cough syrup from baked onion juice, comfrey tea, and honey. Drink it daily and your cough will subside.

6. Vodka and honey

Before going to bed just take a spoonful of honey with few drops of vodka or brandy in it.

7. Ginger Tea

If you have cough due to cold then just drink tea made of ginger 3-4 times a day or just eat raw ginger, this will subside your cough.

8. Gargle with warm water

Save money when you treat your cough/cold with home remedies

You may also gargle with warm water to which lot of salt is added as many times as possible during the day. This will help you to clear phlegm caught in the throat.

9. Onion Juice and Honey

Mix 5 ml of onion juice with 10 ml of pure honey. Take this mixture at least twice a day. This will relieve your cough and will also help in soothing throat.

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